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Sabtu, 14 April 2012


Disusun oleh : Mega siRnawati

Prepared By: Mega siRnawati

Pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things, matter, energy and / or other components into the water or air. Pollution can also mean changing the order of (composition) of water or air by human activities and natural processes, so the quality of the water / air could be less or no longer function according to the destining. (Wikepedia.com)
Pollution or environmental contamination is the inclusion or the inclusion of a living creature, energy substances, and or other components into the lngkungan or changing the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes so that environmental quality decreases to a certain level which causes the environment to be less or no longer able berfingsi as intended (Principles of Environmental Management Act No. 4 of 1982).

Pollution may arise as a result of human activities or due to natural (eg volcanic eruptions, toxic gas). Environmental science usually discuss pollution caused by human activity, which can be prevented and controlled.
To prevent pollution to the environment by various industrial activities and human activity, it takes control of environmental pollution by setting environmental quality standards.
Pollution to the environment can occur anywhere in Mega siRnawati a very fast rate, and an increasingly heavy burden of pollution caused by industrial waste from a variety of chemicals including heavy metals.
Substances or materials that can lead to pollution in the call pollutants. The terms of a substance called a pollutant when its presence can cause harm to living beings. For example, carbon dioxide levels in air 0.033% beneficial for the plant, but if higher than 0.033% can be damaging effect.

A substance can be called a pollutant if:
A. Amount exceeds the normal amount.
2. Being at the wrong time.
3. Being in the wrong place.

Nature of the pollutants are:
A. Damage for a while, but when it reacts with another substance does not damage the environment.
2. Damage in a long time. For example if the concentration of Pb did not damage low. But in the long term, lead can accumulate in the body to damaging levels.

A. Types of Environmental Pollution
Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical substance, chemical, or biological in the atmosphere in amounts which may endanger human health, animals, and plants, disrupting the aesthetics and comfort, or property damage.
Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human activity. Some definitions of physical disorders such as noise pollution, heat, radiation or light pollution is considered as air pollution. The nature of air pollution resulting impact can be both direct and local, regional, and global levels.
encemar air is divided into two, namely, the primary Mega siRnawati pollutants and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are substances directly arising from the pollutant sources of air pollution. Carbon monoxide is an example of primary air pollutants because it is the result of arson. Secondary pollutant is a contaminant substance formed from the reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere. Formation of ozone in photochemical smog is an example of secondary air pollution.
In recent years growing concern about the effects of air pollution emissions within a global context and its relationship to global warming (global warming) that affect
A. Human activities
• Transportation
• Industry
• The power plant
• Combustion (fireplace, stove, furnace, [incinerator] with various types of fuel
• exhaust gas plants produce harmful gases such as (CFC)

B. Natural sources
• Volcanoes
• The marshes
• Forest fires
• Nitrification and denitrification biological

C. Other sources
• Transport of ammonia
• chlorine tank leak
• Generation of methane gas from the land of Uruk / rubbish dumps
• Steam organic solvents
The types of air pollution
o Carbon monoxide
o Oxides of nitrogen
o Oxides of sulfur
o Hydrocarbons
o Ozone
o Volatile Organic Compounds
o Particulate
Health impact
The substance contained in air pollutants can enter the body through the respiratory system. Away the penetration of contaminants into the body depends on the type of pollutant. Large amounts of particulates suspended in the upper respiratory tract, whereas small-sized particulates and gases can reach the lungs. Of the lungs, pollutants are absorbed by the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
Health impacts of the most common is the ISNA (upper respiratory infection), including, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Several pollutants classified as toxic and carcinogenic.

estimate the impact of air pollution in Jakarta is associated with premature mortality, hospital admissions, reduced working days effective, and ISNA in 1998 worth 1.8 trillion dollars and will increase to 4.3 trillion rupiah in 2015.

Impacts on plants
Plants that grow in areas with high air pollution levels can be stunted and prone to diseases, such as chlorosis, necrosis, and black spots. Particulates are deposited on plant surfaces may inhibit the process of photosynthesis.

Acid rain
normal pH of rainwater is 5.6 because of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2 reacts with water to form acid rain and lowering the pH of rain water. The impact of acid rain include:
o Influence of surface water quality
o Damaging plants
o Dissolves heavy metals contained in the soil thus affecting the quality of groundwater and surface water
o Characteristically corrosive and damaging the building material
The greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of CO2, CFCs, methane, ozone, and N2O in the troposphere that absorbs the sun's heat radiation emitted by the earth's surface. As a result, the heat trapped in the troposphere and causing global warming phenomenon.
o The impact of global warming are:
o Melting ice in the polar
o regional and global climate change
o Changes in the life cycle of flora and fauna

Damage to the ozone layer
Ozone layer in the stratosphere (20-35 km altitude) is a function of the earth's natural protective filter out ultraviolet B radiation from the sun. Formation and decomposition of ozone molecules (O3) occurs naturally in the stratosphere. Emissions of CFCs reach the stratosphere is very stable and cause the rate of decomposition of ozone molecules faster than its formation, thus forming the holes in the ozone layer.

b. Air Pollution
Water pollution occurs in water sources such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater caused by human activity olek. Water can not be said to be polluted if used according to function. Although natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, the growth of algae, weeds are very fast, hurricanes and earthquakes is a major cause of water quality changes, but the phenomenon can not be blamed as the cause of water pollution. This contamination can be caused by industrial waste, housing, agriculture, households, industries, and fishing with poison. Industrial pollutants such as persistent organic pollutants (waste water), inorganic pollutants (solids, heavy metals), residual fuel, kerosene and oil tumpaham is the main source of water pollution, especially ground water.
In addition to deforestation, land clearing for agriculture, housing and other building construction resulted in groundwater contamination. Household waste such as organic waste (food scraps), inorganic waste (plastic, glass, cans) and chemicals (detergents, batteries stone) also plays a major role in the pollution of water, both surface water and groundwater.
Pollutants in water include the chemical elements, pathogens / bacteria and changes the nature of physics and chemistry of water. Many chemical elements is a Mega siRnawati poison that pollutes the water. Pathogens / bacteria cause water pollution, causing diseases in humans and animals. Adapuan physical and chemical properties of water include acidity, electrical conductivity, temperature and water level pertilisasi. In developing countries, like Indonesia, pollution of water (surface water and groundwater) is a major cause of human health disorders / diseases.
The results showed that worldwide, more than 14,000 people die every day from diseases caused by water pollution.
In general, the sources of water pollution are as follows:
A. Industrial wastes (both liquid chemicals or solids, remnants of fuel, oil and oil spills, leaking pipes stockpiled petroleum in the soil)
2. Pengungangan green land / forest due to housing, building
3. Agricultural waste (burning land, pesticides)
4. Waste wood processing
5. The use of bombs by fishermen in search of fish in the sea
6. Households (waste water, like the rest of bathrooms, toilets, solid waste such as plastic, glass, cans, rocks batteries, liquid waste such as detergents and organic waste, such as food scraps and vegetables).

c. Soil contamination
Pollution is caused by a lot of waste, both organic and nonorganic. Organic waste can be described by soil microbes into the top layer of soil called humus soil. However, inorganic / non-organic can not be described. Pollutants remained intact up to 300 years to come. Waste substances that seep into the soil can not be lost in the long term.
Waste substances into the soil to absorb by the plants and still stay in the body of the plant, because plants can not describe it. Industrial waste that contaminates the soil usually is excessive fertilizer and the use of herbicides and pesticides. Contaminants that settle on plants that continue to move through the food chain and food webs. So that it causes a displacement of pollutants in any body of organisms that carry the food chain. This will lead to decreased quality of organisms, a lack of robustness to interference from outside.
In addition to pollution, environmental damage is also caused by the extraction of natural resources and their utilization, as well as agricultural patterns. The damage is such as erosion and flooding. Environmental damage caused disasters pose a lot of ideas to reduce and prevent damage. Humans try to control the environmental damage and make repairs to the damage. Prevention of environmental degradation and conservation concessions made by both governments and individuals.
According pencemarnya kinds of materials, pollution menjdi distinguished following,
a) Chemical Pollution: CO2 heavy metals (Hg, Pb, As, Cd, Cr, Ni,) raioaktif materials, pesticides, detergents, oil, inorganic fertilizers.
b) Pollution Biolagi: microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Entamoeba coli, Salmonella thyposa.
c) physical Pencemara: metal, cans, bottles, glass, plastic, rubber.
d) Sound pollution: noise.

Sound pollution (noise)
In the cities or in areas near the industrial / factory frequent noise. Noise pollution caused by the influx of rowdy noise above 50 decibels (abbreviated dB, is a measure of the noise level). The annoying sound of human health and peace. Noise causes the population to be difficult tidu, it can even lead to deafness, psychiatric disorders, and can also cause heart disease, disorders of the fetus in the womb, and stress.
When this has been attempted to use the machines that humans are not too noisy. noise should be sought if the insulator. leafy plant in the yard
Muffle the noise. For those who like to listen frenetic music, should listen to in a specific place (eg in the room) so as not to disturb others.

3. Based on the level of pollution
According to the level of pollution, pollution can be divided into the following:
a) light pollution, the pollution that starts causing other ecosystem disturbances. Examples of motor vehicle gas pollution.
b) chronic pollution, the pollution that cause chronic disease. Examples of pollution of Minamata, Japan.
c) acute pollution, the pollution that can kill instantly.
For example CO from the exhaust gas pollution that caused him to die in a closed car, and radioactive contamination.

B. Parameters of Environmental Pollution
To measure the level of pollution used diasuatu place pollution parameters. Parameterpencemaran used as an indicator (manual) pollution and contamination levels that have occurred. Paarameter pollution include physical parameters, chemical parameters and biological parameters.

A. Physical Parameters
Physical parameters include the measurement of color, taste, smell, temperature, turbidity, and radioactivity.
2. Chemical Parameters
Chemical parameters performed to determine levels of CO2, pH, acidity, metal content, and heavy metals. The following example disajukan measurements of water pH, CO2 levels, and dissolved oxygen.
a. PH measurements of water
River water under natural conditions that have not been contaminated has a pH range of 6.5 to 8.5. Because of pollution, water pH may be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5. Organic materials typically causes the water becomes more acidic conditions.
Causes lime water into alkaline conditions (alkaline). so, changing the pH of the water depends on the kinds of materials pencemarnya. Changes in pH values ​​have significance for aquatic life. Low pH value (highly acidic) or high (very alkaline) is not suitable for most living organisms. For every one unit change in pH scale (from 7 to 6 or from 5 to 4) is said to increase the acidity of 10 times. If the opposite occurs, the acidity decreased 10 times. The acidity of the water
can be measured simply by dipping the litmus paper into the water to see the color change.
b. Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen Levels
Levels of dissolved oxygen in natural waters range from 5-7 ppm (part per million or one per sejita; 1ml of oxygen dissolved in 1 liter of water is said to have levels of 1 ppm oxygen). Decrease in dissolved oxygen levels can be caused by three things:
A. Oxidation process (demolition) of organic materials.
2. Reduction process by substances produced from the anaerobic bottom waters Baktri.
3. Orgaisme a living breathing process in the water, especially at night.
Water pollution (mainly caused by organic pollutants) can reduce the supply of dissolved oxygen. this will threaten the lives of organisms that live in the water. The more polluted, oxygen levels terlerut has narrowed. To be able to measure the levels of dissolved oxygen, carried out by the method of Winkler.
Chemical parameters is done via the respiratory activity of microorganisms known as biochemical parameters. example is the measurement of f COD BOD.

BOD measurement
Organic pollutants (leaves, dead, carbohydrate, protein) can be decomposed by water bacteria. Bacteria require oxygen to oxidize organic substances. consequently, the levels of oxygen
dissolved in water decreases. A growing number of organic pollutants in water, the more oxygen is used, the smaller the resulting dissolved oxygen levels.
The amount of oxygen required terlerut bacteria to oxidize organic matter is referred to as Biological Oxygen Consumption (KOB) or Biological Oxygen Demand, commonly abbreviated as BOD. BOD rate determined by calculating the difference between the initial dissolved oxygen and dissolved oxygen after water samples (samples) are stored for 5 days at 20oC. Therefore be written in full BOD205 BOD or BOD5 alone. Likened the initial dissolved oxygen levels of maximal oxygen that can dissolve in water. Normally, oxygen levels in water enriched with oxygen in advance. After stored for 5 days, estimated to have been breeding bacteria and used for the oxidation of dissolved oxygen. Residual dissolved oxygen is measured again. Finally, oxygen consumption can be determined by subtracting the initial oxygen levels

3. Biological Parameters
In nature there are animals, plants, and microorganisms that are sensitive and some are resistant to certain environmental conditions.
Sensitive organisms will die because of pollution and resistant organisms will remain alive. Water snails and planaria are examples of pollution-sensitive animals. River water containing snails and planaria showed contamination of the river has not yet experienced. In contrast, Tubifex worms (red worms) are resistant worms live and
well developed even in an environment rich in organic material, although other species of animals that have died. This means the existence of the worm can be used as an indicator of contamination of organic substances. Organisms that can be used as guidance known pollution
as biological indicators. with the oxygen end (after 5 days).
Biological indicators are sometimes more reliable than chemical indicators. Factories that dump waste into the river to regulate the disposal of waste when it will be controlled by the authorities.
Measurement of chemical waste at the plant always shows no signs of contamination. But not so with a living creature that inhabits aquatic ecosystems continuously. The river there are animals, microorganisms, benthos, mikroinvertebrata, algae, which can be used as biological indicators.

C. Impact of Environmental Pollution
A. Extinction of Species
2. Hama blasting
3. Environmental Balance Disorders
4. Declining Soil Fertility
5. Toxicity and Disease
6. Concentrating on Biological / biomagnificition
7. Formation of the Ozone Hole and the Greenhouse Effect

Efforts to Prevent Environmental Pollution
A. Placing the industrial area or plant away from residential areas or residential areas.
2. Disposal of industrial wastes regulated so as not to pollute the environment or ecosystem.
3. Oversight of the use of other types of pesticides and other chemicals that can cause environmental pollution.
4. Extending the greening movement.
5. Action against perpetrators of environmental pollution.
6. Provide awareness of people about the meaning of the human environment so much love for their environment

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